Saturday, April 9, 2011

A few more strides forward

Fred when he first arrived.
 Well, we are a couple of months into our "Sentimental Journey" (Fred's registered name) and having a blast...
at least I am, I can't speak for Fred.
The progress on a horse this young is not only visible but can be felt dramatically when riding.
He is growing like crazy. His legs go on forever! He eats non-stop. He is the definition of what my dad used to call a hay burner. His coat is turning to an glistening almost black brown (after a lot of elbow grease!)
He continues in his quiet disposition and seems to enjoy (so far) my pretty constant attention. He enjoys 'his' dog Ella and going to the field with her to graze.
(she actually eats grass with him, but can't figure out why he's not interested in mole hunting)

Fred 2 months later.
As far as training under saddle goes, it has been progressing very well. He is so much more rideable, more balanced and responsive to leg aides, and we can actually steer. He did have one lesson where he decided to behave badly. His second lesson in the outdoor arena, where there is no fence, just a railroad tie boarder, he decided a good plan to end the training might be to jump out of the arena. He attempted this several times until he learned that Tena is probably more obstinate than he is.
So we continue on. We are only riding him 2-3 times a week and will continue that program for some time. He is growing like a weed and to much work to fast will only result in injury. It is also very important that young horses have fun and enjoy their work. If you take your time you will end up with a sound and happy horse for years to come.
After all, Baby Spike might need a horse in a few years:O)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

More Ponderings on Fred

Well I am having a blast. That's all I can say!
The training hasn't changed much. We still need "Team Fred" to get the job done, (thanks to Tena, Amy, Jan, and team alternates Lily and Sherri), but there is very visible progress. He is moving in a more balanced way and he has moments of self carriage. It is so fun to watch.
I still, am daily so happy with this horse in general.  He has so much personality, nothing really frazzles him, he is very tolerant (of my 2 a day groomings...ok, sometimes 3 a day), he comes to the gate every time I go to the pasture to get him, he and Ella share carrots and are great pals, and he now 'talks' to me when he sees me. Oh, and I guess it is important to note that he has 3 really great gaits...I guess this should be more about the job of this horse than him being my giant pet:O)
...and so this Sentimental Journey continues!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

My first ride.

So this has been a fun and eventful week with Frederik.
He is finally shedding his crazy scruffy winter coat. It is taking lots of elbow grease, but it is worth it to see the beauty under all that hair!
His training under saddle is coming along well. Even though we are basically just working on moving forward and steering, it is so fun for me to watch him progress.
The best part of my week though was my first ride on him! What a blast!
We still just take a lot of walks with Ella up the road, in the field, even went to the house, the more exposure to different things the better.
So on to a new week. Can't wait to see what it brings.


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Free Ride...take it easy:O)

Yeeha! Today was Fred's first 'free ride' and he took it very 'easy'!
We started out by walking and trotting just a little on the lounge line, but after Tena announced she 'felt safe' on him we turned him loose. We (Amy and I) free lounged them around the arena and Fred was great!
It is so fun to see him move. I am loving what I am seeing in my scrawny lanky almost 3 year old Oldenberg!

Monday, February 28, 2011


So we have experienced our first piece of broken equipment. A halter, so nothing to severe. Fred was tied in his stall for the first time today. It was quite windy and we had a lot of rain/ice/snow the night before. Well the way the "bubble barn" is built the heavy snow that gathers on the top eventually gets heavy and needs to 'slide' off. That can create quite an avalanche and also a lot of noise.  Well, one of those avalanches happened right above Fred's stall and he kinda freaked out, resulting in a broken halter. So it goes. I am sure this is the first of many equipment malfunctions/repairs/replacements in the training process of young Frederik. In spite of today, I remain in awe of his quite and kind demeanor.
So the Sentimental Journey goes on:O)

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Time with Fred

So a recently purchased a new horse. He is an almost 3 year old Oldenburg. The training process begins since he has not been broke to ride yet. I bought him sight unseen based on his breeding. He is out of a Stallion named Sinatra Song, (, a horse known for his movement and temperament that he passes on to his offspring. I gave him the barn name of Frederik after my favorite children's book. His registered name is Sentimental go with his sire's name and because this is somewhat of a Sentimental Journey for me. I call him Fred for short since that was my dad's middle name. I spent all of my horse years with my dad. This is the first horse I have owned since he passed away. I am blessed that I had the journey I had with my dad and our horses when he was alive.  They are some of the best memories I have. I am thankful he introduced me to horses since they have enriched my life in so many ways.
So my blog will now become filled with my new Journey...the process of training Fred...and the lessons learned along the way!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

"Frederick" - Pondering one of my favorite books

This is a re-run, but since I just named my new horse Frederik, I thought some explanation might be useful.

Frederick is the story of a little 'family of field mice.

All the mice are busy gathering corn, nuts, and seeds for the long winter ahead. All of them except for Frederick. He just sits on the stone wall.

They are all a little perturbed with Frederick.

"Frederick, why don't you work?" they ask.

"I do work" says Frederick.

"I am gathering the sun for the cold dark winter days"

Frederick continues to sit.

The mice ask him "and now Frederick?"

Frederick replies "I gather colors, for winter is gray"

One last time they ask Frederick in their frustration at his lack of work " and now are you just dreaming Frederick?"

Frederick's response is "Oh no, I am gathering words. For the winter days are long and many, and we'll run out of things to say"

You can read the story yourself to find out what happens. It is my favorite childhood story and one I read to my boys over and over when they were little.

I am a Frederick. I take every opportunity to savor and soak up the warm sun of summer. I memorize the colors of my garden and of the woods that surround me. And now I use the words that have gathered in my mind over that beautiful season to write and express the thoughts of my heart.

Now I look forward to the summer ahead so I can start the "Frederick" process all over again!

(I hope I don't run out before then!)

So in the doldrums of January in Michigan, take some time to ponder the sunshine, the colors of summer, and the happy words that go along with it.


Barb - A.K.A. Frederick